Cue Liberal Mocking: Duck Dynasty’s Sadie Robertson Saving Sex for Marriage
Celebrities like Miley
Cyrus and Dakota
Fanning represent a slew of stars proving sorry role models for young
women. But now, there’s a new option: Sadie Robertson.
In the wake of her new book, 17-year-old Duck Dynasty star Sadie Robertson went public with her stance on purity. Robertson recently spoke out for teens and offered advice on “staying pure in a relationship.” Published Oct. 28, Robertson’s “Live Original” detailed Robertson’s “outlook on life as she opens up about herself and the values that make her family what it is.”
During an interview with Inside Edition, Robertson revealed her “tips on staying pure in a relationship” (also published in her new book) – “to not be home alone, to stay out of each other’s bedroom, and to pray together before dates.”
When discussing her decision to “stay pure until marriage,” Robertson explained why she went public with her stance:
It’s also important because as teenagers, we always get the talk from adults. And, it’s one thing to hear it from somebody that went through it, and that’s an adult and that’s older than you. But it’s another thing to hear it from somebody that’s going through it with you.
“I think it’s important for a teenager to hear it from another teenager,” she concluded. “It’s good to show that you can be different and you can still be cool.”
But that doesn’t mean it’s easy for the star. “People are like, ‘It must be easy for you because you’re Christian.’ That doesn’t make it any easier for me,” Robertson told UsWeekly. “It’s something a couple really has to decide together.”
In her book, she supported, “I can promise you, in the end, your boyfriend will respect you for it—that is, if you are dating the right kind of guy.”
“Live Original is just to be yourself and not be anything that the world wants you to be. Just be confident in the person that God made you,” Robertson advised to Inside Edition.
Robertson’s comments couldn’t be further from the the media’s narrative on virginity as some weird, fringe condition.
The Duck Dynasty clan isn’t afraid to defy cultural agendas – and Sadie Robertson is no exception.
— Katie Yoder is Staff Writer, Joe and Betty Anderlik Fellow in Culture and Media at the Media Research Center. Follow Katie Yoder on Twitter.