
Hollywood TV Producer Slams Creationists, Traditionalists on Twitter

Danny Zuker, producer of ABC's 'Modern Family' said racists, homophobes, evolution deniers shouldn't vote next Tuesday.

Hypocrisy: NPR's Long War against Fox News, Conservatives

Reporters called conservatives 'tea-baggers,' 'extremists.'

CNN Anchor Claims Christine O'Donnell is 'Arrogant' For Praying Over Campaign

American Morning anchor Kiran Chetry challenges the spiritual motives of Delaware Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell.

Vanity Fair Targets News-Making GOP Men in Sexy 'Beefcake' Calendar

The oft-criticized Republican Party gets hit again by the fashion magazine, one week prior to midterms.

CMI Commentary: Colorado Personhood Amendment is 'Social Justice'

HuffPo contributor misses the point about a woman's right to choose.

PBS's New Government-Funded Eco-Indoctrination Cartoon for Kids

Show warns children about hazards of juice boxes, magazines, too many toys.

Walters Defends Risqué Glee/GQ Photo Shoot

'The View' host sees no problem with sexualized photo shoot of 'family-friendly' television characters

Israel-Bashing Filmmaker to Receive Honorary Oscar

Jean Luc Godard calls Jewish state a cancer that justifies Palestinian terrorism.

Daily Beast: Wal-Mart's Morals Victimize Kanye

Site claims celebrity shoplifters and soft-core pornography publications banned from Wal-Mart stores are 'victims' of the retail giant.

Feminist Groups Call Conservative Women 'Nutty' and 'Whores,' Media Ignores

NOW endorses liberal male candidates over conservative females, despite bemoaning lack of women in politics.
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