
Celebrity Christmas Cards are Naughty Notes

As the birth of Christ is celebrated around the world, Hollywood celebs sex it up for their annual holiday greetings.

CMI Commentary: Time to Focus on Real Star of Christmas

Forget the secular holiday, Dec. 25 is about the greatest gift of all.

The Top 10 Worst Julian Assange Metaphors

Besotted lefty media falls over itself conjuring comparisons to anti-American hacker.

Christmas Without Christ

He's the reason for the season, but networks mum on Jesus in Christmas coverage.

SPJ Takes Up Crusade against Term 'Illegal Immigrant'

Professional journalism group goes all in for illegals with PC guidelines.

Gossip Blogs Claim Teens are Getting Pregnant to Get on MTV Show

But the evidence doesn't seem to support this conclusion.

The Times Finally Slips in Some Unflattering Facts About 'Dream Act' Amnesty

Wait: I thought this was just about high school students? Julia Preston belatedly reports some of the actual features of the "Dream Act" amnesty program: "The lead sponsor of the Senate bill, ...

The Left-leaning Media's Myth-Making about Julian Assange

WikiLeaks founder hailed by journalists as folk hero, renegade.

Law Center Designates Conservative Pro-Family Organizations 'Hate Groups'

Family Research Council listed alongside KKK, Nazi Party.

Liberal Media Take Exception to American Exceptionalism

To left, acknowledging American uniqueness is sinister, 'lunatic.'
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