
Arab TV Director: Alleged 'Muslim Anger' Over Ground Zero Mosque Protests is a 'Fabrication'

Media claims that controversy is fomenting 'Muslim extremism' are not based in fact.

Vanity Fair Attacks Palin as Volatile, Angry, Fake

Unsourced hit piece attempts to depict 'sad and moldering strangeness' of Palin's life.

Erbe: Alevda King's Pro-Life Stance 'Twists' MLK Record

U.S. News columnist calls comparison of abortion to racism 'off course.'

YouTube Jihad: American Terror Imam Reaching Muslim Youth Online

Sermons calling for jihad can be found on social networking sites.

Overwhelmingly White Media Criticize Conservative Rallies as 'Overwhelmingly White'

Notoriously minority-deficient media criticize Tea Parties, other conservative gatherings for lack of diversity.

John Cusack wants 'Satanic Death Cult Center at Fox News HQ'

Tweeting left-wing actor whines about 'haters' while calling Glenn Beck 'racist' and 'fascist.'

John Mayer Flips Out on Huffington Post, Says Website is 'Full of S***'

Wonders whether liberal news site pays reporters in 'Silly Bandz.'

WaPo Frets 'Hostility' Could Radicalize Young Muslims

One-sided article worries how college students react to over-blown backlash.

Bloomberg: '100 Percent' of 9/11 Families Support Ground Zero Mosque

NYC mayor claims opposition based on polarizing politics, most people don't really care.

Khan Job: GZ Mosque Organizer Said in 2006 1st Amendment Shouldn't Include 'Right to Offend'

Daisy Khan's position today conflicts with her words from past.
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