
On NBC, Boy Scout Scandal Merits Story, But Club's 100th Anniversary Didn't

The network aired a story about bubble wrap instead of covering Boy Scouts centennial, but find more than two minutes time for scouting sex scandal.

The Religion Blog That Hates Religion

Huffington Post's new effort lists 'crusader-jihadist mentality,' 'rejection of science' as 'dangerous side-effects' of faith.

NYTimes: Post-Abortion Forum's Ad Campaign 'Propaganda Masquerading as Therapy'

Reporter attacks 'Abortion Changes You' Web site because of its connection to the Roman Catholic Church.

NY Times Columnist Calls for Priests to Marry, Choosing Female Pope

Maureen Dowd joins media's appeal for liberal reforms in the Catholic Church.

WaPo Continues Drum Beat for Gay Rights

Newspaper devotes another 191 inches of column space to homosexual advocacy.

Huffington Post Blogger Attacks Biblical View of Sex

Rob Asghar uses Bristol Palin to argue for premarital sex, mocks Christian beliefs regarding abstinence.

A Tale of Two F-Bombs: WaPo, MSNBC, CNN Bothered By Cheney, Not Biden

Media outlets applied two different standards to vice presidents' slips – Cheney's viewed as a breach of decorum and Biden's as 'excited profanity.'

Stoned in Iran, Snubbed in Hollywood: How PC Buried 'Soraya M.'

A powerful film runs afoul of the entertainment industry's multiculturalism, and pays a price at awards time.

HuffPo Blogger: 'Our Close [Gay] Friends Might be Forced to Leave the Country'

Tamara McClintock Greenberg claims U.S. is far from being a dignified society.
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