
Vanity Fair Fears 'Texas Witch Trials' Will Erase the Civil Rights Movement from History Books

Henry Rollins warns of a 'return to the dim-bulb cruelty and religious fascism' of the past.

Media Ignore Boy Scouts' 100th Anniversary in Favor of Pro-Gay Agenda

Only ABC, NPR noted the Scouts centennial.

WaPo 'On Faith': Glenn Beck Using 'Same Strategy of the Hitler Youth'

Stevens-Arroyo blasts Fox commentator's position on social justice in Catholic Church.

Imus Takes on 'Tehran Tom' Hanks with Pro-American Historian

'Imus in the Morning' offers much-needed retort to anti-America Hollywood

'Early Show' Sympathizes with Lesbian Girl in Cancelled Prom

Constance McMillen and her lawyer the only voices in segment on controversy.

Bias by the Numbers: WaPo Giddy Over Gay Marriage

Paper's reporting on DC same-sex marriage ruling quotes supporters 10 times more than opponents.

State Autonomy Over Education Policy Dismissed as 'Patchwork,' 'Checkerboard'

A front-page story by Sam Dillon pushes uniform standards for pubilc schools nationwide, and buries the ideological edge of the issue: Conservative opposition.

Times Obsesses Over Texas 'Conservatives' Changing Curriculum, Ignores Far-Left Hispanic Group's Protest

Austin-based reporter James McKinley Jr. constantly declaims about "conservatives" who want to soften the liberal edge of school textbooks, but ignores the presence of the far-left Hispanic ...

Calvin Klein 'X' Ad Aims for X-Rated Theme

Famous brand releases yet another vulgar underwear advertisement full of 'censored' profanity and underwear-clad men offering to show more of themselves.

Behar Calls for Limbaugh's Firing Over 'Massa' Play on Words

Not even guest Jesse Ventura agrees with the HLN host.
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