
Anne Hathaway Leaves Church to Media Cheers

Actress cites Catholic position on homosexuality; USA Today and The Huffington Post call the Church 'intolerant.'

New Pseudo-Reality Show Lets Viewers Vote for Abortions

Abortion as entertainment?

Sportswriter Dan Graziano Claims Tim Tebow 'Made a Poor Decision' in Appearing in Super Bowl Ad

Writer characterizes Focus on the Family as 'an extremist organization that aggressively preaches hate, intolerance and anti-intellectualism.'

Beck Should Be Institutionalized, 'Abusive' to Have Him on TV Says 'Daily Show' Creator

Lizz Winstead, co-creator of popular Comedy Central program, takes critical jabs at highly rated Fox News host.

CNN Boosts Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Gay activists in favor of changing military policy outnumber others 11 to 1 in coverage.

Broadcasts Networks Lead Cheers for JCS Opposition to 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

ABC's Diane Saywer calls testimony 'dramatic' and 'truly historic.'

Washington Post Says Abstinence Programs 'Might Work' Just Days after Attacking Them

'Landmark study' finds lower sexual activity among teens in abstinence-only vs. other programs.

Another Liberal Attack on Republican Patriotism

While the Times routinely rebukes Republicans for allegedly questioning the patriotism of Democrats, columnist Frank Rich is free to claim that Republican "John McCain epitomizes the unpatriotic ...

Slate's Saletan Fights Tebow Pro-Life Ad with 'Grisly Truth' about Pregnancy

Liberal online magazine says Tebow family shouldn't be 'guide to making abortion decisions.'
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