
Bonnie Erbe Takes Another Swing at Palin: 'Glamour with No Need for Smarts'

U.S. News columnist trots out old, disproven insults to former governor, new FNC contributor.

Newsweek Column: 'Same-sex Marriage is an American Value'

Ted Olson pushes for gay unions without taking into account many drawbacks.

Time Endorses Gay Euro-Pols

William Lee Adams says lack of education and 'religious conservative' attitudes keep homosexuals from U.S. politics.

Former BB&T CEO: Current Policies Will Push U.S. to be a Third-World Country in 25 Years

John Allison warns Fox Business viewers entitlement spending and workforce problems could cause American society could collapse.

Texas' Colt McCoy: 'I Always Give God the Glory

Longhorn quarterback expresses his Christian faith after a disappointing loss.

CBS Tells Parents Teens Should Wait for Sex; Pushes Contraceptives on Teens

Medical correspondent Jennifer Ashton gives parents and teens conflicting advice about sex.

'Eat, Love, Pray' Author: Straight Couples Aren't Marrying Because Gays Can't

With absurd statements on matrimony, best-selling author Elizabeth Gilbert joins ranks with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

CBS' Medical Correspondent Gives Mixed Messages on Teen Sex

Dr. Ashton advises sexually active 7th- 8th graders on contraception, then tells host we must try to 'change it.'

Alter Blasts Cheney for 'Emboldening the Terrorists' -- Says He's 'Very Dangerous' and 'Must Be Stopped'

Newsweek columnist accuses for VP of depicting President Obama as weak on national security and therefore increasing country's vulnerability.

American Library Association's Not-So-Hidden Gay Agenda

With its Youth Media Awards, the ALA works to get pro-gay propaganda on library shelves.
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