
The View Attacks Palin's Letterman Response; Behar backs Palin…Kind Of

Other panelists think governor went too far in the defense of her daughter.

16 and Pregnant? No Big Deal

MTV's new documentary normalizes teenage pregnancy.

Today Show Defends Letterman's 'Joke'

Host Matt Lauer grills Palin on her response to sexual joke about daughter.

NPR: Young Adults in Search of Sex, Not Love

Reports defend hook ups, barely examine larger issues of casual sex.

Cheney-Palin Style of Patriotism Just "Belligerent and Defensive Chauvinism"

Book editor Barry Gewen lavishes the highest praise on an ambitious new book: "The patriotism on display in 'The American Future' is hardly the narrow and cramped sentiment that in recent years ...

Late Term Abortion Doctor starts his Movement on CNN

Anderson Cooper gives abortionist Carhart an unopposed megaphone.

'The View': 'Pregnant Man' is a Woman

Hosts eschew political correctness and talk biological fact.

And the Emmy Goes to … Perez?

Gossip blogger, gay activist and gutter dweller Perez Hilton gets Emmy nod.

Bonnie Erbe: Obama Naming a Social Conservative Shows His 'True Colors'

In a post on U.S. News & World Report blog Erbe ignores history, complains about a low-level nomination.
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