
Chris Matthews Portrays GOP as Anti-Science

According to MSNBC host, not believing in evolution is a rejection of the scientific method.

Former CNBC Host Crosses Over to MSNBC to Bash Abstinence, GOP

Dylan Ratigan, appears on 'Countdown' to announce his new show and run down social conservatism.

Shuster-fied Tolerance

Inflammatory MSNBC reporter lectures Joe the Plumber on accepting others.

'The Early Show' Uses Palin Drama to Bash Abstinence

As Bristol speaks out for abstinence, CBS focuses on Levi Johnston's disagreement with the family.

Left Digs up Irrelevant Suggestive Pictures of Miss California

Perez Hilton and others think partially nude photos discredit Prejean's pageant answer.

Opie Gets Ugly

Movie watchers are going to think large chunks of Ron Howard's Angels and Demons are actual human history, and the trailer has no disclaimer about how this scientist-murdering-church narrative is ...

Shuster Attacks Traditional Marriage Advocate; Asks If He Fears Attraction to Gay Couple

MSNBC host turns interview into shouting match about Miss California controversy.

Prejean Needs No Enemies with Friends Like NBC

'Today' host Matt Lauer again forces Miss California to defend her stance on traditional marriage.

CNN Correspondent Jabs President on FOCA, 'Above My Pay Grade' Answer

Ed Henry shows the Obama-fied press corps how to challenge a public official.

Time's Liberal Bias Taught in Schools

Free news magazine for students promotes liberal ideology.
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