
A Rainbow of College Choices

Newsweek snipes at conservatives while discussing special circumstances surrounding college admissions process of gay students.

Hyping Class, Ignoring Controversial Business

Media ignore abortion connection in coverage of Montana plane crash.

Strapped for Cash? Murder Your Unborn Child

Bonnie Erbe argues abortion is a good decision in a recession.

It's Easy Being Green: Just Listen to Celebrities

Nickelodeon inserts green propaganda into Kids' Choice Awards program.

CBS: Embryonic Stem Cells Could Provide 'An Unlimited Supply of Blood'

Correspondent, scientist avoid discussing the destruction of human life necessary for research to take place.

The Sadness of 'Sexting'

New trend of kids sending nude or semi-nude photos of themselves to other kids raises questions of what violates child-pornography laws.

Devil in the Details

ABC hosts debate about the existence of Satan, but fails to find Christian authority on the topic.

Levin Declares 'No Constitutional Authority' for Expanded Obama Administration Takeover Powers

Conservative talk show host explains how recent efforts to regulate in the wake of federal bailouts equate to a 'statist' agenda.

Fight Over Obama, Notre Dame Address Leaves Networks Speechless

Radical pro-choice president speaking at a Catholic graduation ceremony is non-controversial to broadcast journalists.

Audacity of the Pope

Media lambastes Benedict XVI for sticking to Church doctrine and committing condom heresy.
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