
Sex on a Plane: MTV Runs Ad Showering Airline Passengers with Condoms

San Francisco Planned Parenthood chapter uses gay character to pitch the pill, the patch and latex.

Tila Success Inspires More Trash TV

Second 'Shot at Love,' plus a new spin-off, a transgender dating show, and an attempt by Cher to capitalize on daughter's lesbianism are in the works.

What Does 'Family Friendly' Mean?

Apparently in today's TV landscape it includes bloody murders and dialogue filled with sexual slang.

CNN Hypes Christian Symbol in Another Huckabee Ad

Fish on banner nets more critical attention.

Winners and Losers of 2007

A look at some of the entertainment triumphs and tragedies of 2007.

Cleverly Firing Back at Atheism

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible fires back at the cultural clout atheists in America have been enjoying.

Grinch-o-Meter Update

NBC's story slants to the left, but at least they covered the War on Christmas.

The B-Word Book Craze

If it wasn't so commercially calculated, it might sound like Tourette 's syndrome.

The Question is Infidelity

CBS's Katie Couric gives us insight into how the presidential candidates view character.

Grinch-o-Meter Update

NBC's story slants to the left, but at least they covered the War on Christmas.
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