
As Teen Pregnancy Rates Rise, Times and Post Blame Abstinence Education.

Both papers took the standard, biased media approach by challenging federal funding of abstinence education while ignoring the far greater funding of condom-based sex education.

Movie Reviewer Not Satisfied by Presence of 'Choice'

Entertainment Weekly film critic bemoans the absence of pro-abortion propagandizing in Juno, even though the pregnant protagonist seriously considers abortion.

Cantwell Aide's Sex Scandal Gets Little Press Coverage

Media bury news of a Democratic congressional staffer snared in a police pedophile sting.

AIDS: The Questions They Won't Ask

Here are some of the questions that the media probably won't ask the professional HIV/AIDS lobby, which grows ever fatter while the human tragedy rises

Christmas Greetings from the Left Pole

With Sweeney Todd and Charlie Wilson just in time for Christmas, the Hollywoodites at the left pole would like us to forget that they're anti-Christian, anti-war and anti-conservative.

Going Off a Cliff at the Chronicle

A San Francisco columnist explains why he loves The Golden Compass -- because he hates religion and religious people. Why does an ostensibly mainstream newspaper like the Chronicle publish such ...

Junk Food Ban "Faces Hurdles" - But Freedom Isn't One of Them

The Times' Kim Severson brings the nanny-state approach to the school snack bar, celebrating the fight against "the mountain of high-calorie snacks and sodas available to schoolchildren."

The Golden Compass and the Atheist Blitzkrieg

Every dollar spent on the movie and its merchandise increases the likelihood that the entire God-hating trilogy will make it to your local theater – so that untold numbers of children will be ...

NBC Claims, Hopefully, That Young Evangelicals Are Turning Away from Politics

Tom Brokaw uses carefully crafted images, leading questions and selective quotes to reinforce the appearance of a generational divide among evangelicals.

The Golden Compass Points Kids the Wrong Way

Unfortunately, this is part of being a responsible parent today. You have to be a kind of cultural food-taster for your children. Borrow Mr. Pullman's three books from your local library -- we ...
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