
Did Someone Say Pray? Bring on the Atheist Rebuttal!

ABC ridicules Georgia governor Sonny Perdue for asking God to relieve a drought.

Beware Hillary's Whitewash

How is it that the wife of an impeached president, the policy architect of a 1300-page left-wing health-care fiasco, and the document-shredding stonewaller of a welter of scandals turn her ...

Media Claim Business Owes Debt to Society

Lenders and related companies are blamed for borrowers' debt troubles six times as often as borrowers, according to a new study of network media coverage.

CNN Uses Wounded, Homeless Vets to Indict Bush, U.S.

On Veteran's Day, the cable network says America's treatment of retired servicemen is a national shame.

Two Nets Salute Vets

Fox, NBC honor American military veterans without playing politics.

The Golden Compass Fraud

Isn't it a bit perverse to head into the Christmas holiday season hyping an atheist fantasy movie for kids?

Does AP Stand for 'Anti-Abstinence Propaganda?'

Associated Press slams abstinence-only education as Congress considers funding.

CBS Features Drastic City Plan to Slim Down Residents

Forget personal responsibility, it's all about fast food restaurants.

What Is ITVS? And Why Is It Funding Libertine-Left Propaganda?

In funding filmmakers to go out and make one-sided left-wing films, Public Broadcasting subsidies serve, in effect, as ideological pork-barrel spending.

A Pro-Life Media Trifecta

The Washington Post and ABC cover pro-life stories … fairly! And Bella continues her box office success.
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