
Libs Long for 'Fairness' Daze

Yesterday's stinging defeat of the immigration bill is sure to be the final goad that will spur the left to try to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine.

Grand, Old, and Pitiful

When the Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on children and TV violence on June 26, it was the Democrats taking the entertainment industry to task as socially irresponsible, while ...

Supremes Say Equal Means Equal

Court decision rejecting race-based diversity plans restores the Constitutional principle of equal protection of the laws.

Washington Post Trades on Kids' Fears to Sell Pro-Immigration Views

Story emphasizes emotion and downplays or ignores the central issues of lawbreaking and border security.

See Some Evil, Hear Some Evil

Nets cover Capitol Hill NFL violence hearings, turn a blind eye to TV violence hearings.

Morality Isn't That 'Complex'

CNN headline obscures Ohio policeman's responsibility for double murder.

Roberts, Alito & Kennedy: Swinging Supremely Right

CMI's resident attorney explains the legal significance of the decisions just handed down by the Supreme Court.

ABC Only Network to Share Good News on Giving

Americans give more than any other nation in the world, but the media are reluctant to report the good news about our culture.

Pass the Amnesty Bill, Don't Ask Questions

Media ignore public opposition to McCain-Kennedy immigration bill, make a final push for Senate passage.

Judge 'Pants Suit' Gets Dry Cleaned

Frivolous, vindictive lawsuit leaves a hole in Pearson's pocket.
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