
Media Research Center

Lena Dunham Named One of ‘Glamour Magazine’s’ Women of the Year

Dunham rewarded for sleazy show ‘Girls’ and Obama virginity ad.
Media Research Center

GMA Gleeful Over Tebow Criticism

Burns valuable air time to highlight teammates’ criticism, declares him ‘more tarnished by the day.
Media Research Center

New York Times Turns Up Heat on New Chief Executive Mark Thompson -- With Caveats

New story raises serious questions, but Times' outrage still doesn't approach its Catholic Church levels.
Media Research Center

J. Crew President Lyons Comes Out of Closet

CMI caused controversy by pointing out gender-bending ad featuring Lyons’ son.
Media Research Center

CNN Promotes Liberal Catholics’ Attack on Bishops

Cites groups claiming ‘America’s Catholic bishops out of touch with Catholic laypeople.’  
Media Research Center

Sex, Violence, Anti-Catholicism – It’s an ‘American Horror Story’ All Right

Creator Murphy’s sleazy horror show slimes nuns, revels in sadism.
Media Research Center

CNN Belief Blog: ‘Catholic Bishops’ Election Behavior Threatens Their Authority’

Displays false moral equivalence between abortion and religious liberty.  
Media Research Center

USA Today Surprised Chick-Fil-A Didn’t Suffer from ‘PR Nightmare’

PR execs confounded by chain’s success after ‘disaster.’
Media Research Center

WaPo Contributor Complains Media Haven’t Discussed Mormonism

In spirit of ‘dialogue,’ poses ridiculous questions to Romney about his faith
Media Research Center

Obama Welcomes Jay-Z Support, Violent, Misogynistic Lyrics and All

Whatever else his electoral troubles, president Obama seems to have the all-important hip-hop star demographic sewn up. Rapper Jay-Z recently released an ad which detailed his love for ...
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