
Media Research Center

Boyfriend Abuse? There’s an App for That

Game rewards you for “training” your man.  
Media Research Center

Activist Lila Rose: Media Ignore March for Life to 'Cover Up' Abortion

Live Action president calls for truth to expose media bias.
Media Research Center

Sundance’s Festival of Seedy Sex

The 2013 Sundance Festival just wrapped, and it had a common theme that even liberal news outlets like USA Today, ABC , and NPR pick up on. Nine of the festival’s feature films revolve around teen ...
Media Research Center

NOW Roe V. Wade Vigil Attendee: Praying Is Harassment

A war story from the front lines of the abortion battle.
Media Research Center

HuffPo: Obama Inaugural Ignored Rights of Transgendered Preteens

Eleven-year-old ‘Sadie’ wants a nod from the president.
Media Research Center

‘March for … ?’ Nets Don’t Use ‘Life’ in Abortion Debate

Broadcast networks refuse to say ‘pro-life’ in 91 percent of Roe v. Wade anniversary coverage.  
Media Research Center

On ‘Roe’ Anniversary, Andrea Mitchell Laments State Abortion Restrictions

Four decades later ‘only 17 states’ fund low-income abortions.
Media Research Center

Cosmo: ‘Cool’ Women Go to Strip Clubs

Magazine encourages young women to follow the latest strip club trend.
Media Research Center

AlterNet: Happy MLK Day, ‘Homophobe’

In ‘celebrating’ King’s legacy, hard left site couldn’t get any classier.
Media Research Center

Planned Parenthood Campaign Eliminates ‘Pro-Life,’ ‘Pro-Choice’ Language

Orwellian wordplay from the abortion giant.
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