Disgraced Reuters Photographer Made Saturday's Front Page

Adnan Hajj, dismissed by Reuters for altering a photograph of war damage in Lebanon to make it look worse, made Saturday's front page with an image of a "wounded civilian" in Lebanon

Disgraced Reuters freelance photographer Adnan Hajj was dismissed by the wire service for altering a photograph of a Lebanese skyline to make the damage caused by Israel look worse (big hat tip to Charles Johnston at Little Green Footballs, who first uncovered the fake photo). More photos by Hajj are being scrutinized, and at least one other photo has been proven to have been digitally altered.

But before his disgrace, Hajj made the front page, above-the-fold of Saturday's New York Times with a photo of what the picture caption claims is a "wounded civilian" (but with Hajj we can no longer be sure).

The Times has used him in the pastas well.

Now the question is: Will the Times check the validity of previous work by Hajj that has appeared within its pages?