Early Show: Abstinence Okay for Adults, Doesn't Work for Teens

Patti Stanger, star of BRAVO's “Millionaire Matchmaker,” shared her tips for finding Mr. Right on Wednesday's CBS “Early Show.” The author and relationship expert surprisingly supports abstinence, telling women, “no sexy…no spreading.” Stanger's advice is a welcome change from CBS' usual take on sexual abstinence.<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

Author of Become Your Own Matchmaker, Stanger gives women “eight simple steps for attracting your mate” and among those she includes abstaining from sexual activity. She told host Maggie Rodriguez that women should abstain until Mr. Right gives them an “exclusive, monogamous, committed relationship that is said in the sober light of day…” She says this is important because women “bond through sex,” and men “can sleep with women and not bond.”

As dating advice, the “Early Show” gave abstinence a fair hearing. When the subject is teens, however, CBS is a lot less open-minded.

The Culture & Media Institute pointed out that in March 2008, CBS hosted TV actress Kate Walsh and shamelessly gave her an opportunity to tear down abstinence-only education. On January 8, CBS correspondent Bianca Soloranzo hinted that abstinence isn't working, saying “experts fear we've been lulled into a false sense of security. And have stopped pouring resources into prevention." Early last year CBS' “Evening News” hyped the Midwest Teen Sex Show, an explicit, in-your-face podcast on sexuality, as a better alternative to abstinence programs.

 The Early Show isn't shy about sex on its regular broadcasts. On December 11, 2008, the morning cast displayed photos of a naked Jennifer Aniston on the cover of GQ magazine, making no apologies for sending the soft-core pornography into viewers' homes.

 So, according to CBS, women on the prowl for a husband should consider avoiding sexual activity. But abstaining isn't an option for teen girls.