Finally: Official Correction on Palin-Alaskan Independence Party "Membership"

The Times' front-page mistake from Tuesday is finally officially corrected.

Three days later, the Times has finally officially corrected its false front-page claim from Tuesday that Sarah Palin has been a member for two years of the Alaskan Independence party, which has a fringe reputation among non-Alaskans for calling for a state vote on various autonomy issues, including secession.

From Friday's Corrections page:

An article on Tuesday about concerns over Senator John McCain's background check of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, his choice of running mate, misstated the history of her political party affiliation. As The Times has since reported, she has been a registered Republican since 1982; she was not for a couple of years in the 1990s a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, which advocates a vote on whether her state should secede.

The McCain campaign has been hammering the author of the story, Elisabeth Bumiller, for failing to own up to the mistake. While the paper ranbrief storiesrefuting the charage on inside pages (the original story appeared on the front page) this marks the first mention of the story on the Corrections page.