Girl Scouts March in Gay Pride
If the newly gay-friendly Boy Scouts were paying attention
last week, the may have caught a glimpse of their future.
According to USAToday, Girl Scouts marched in San Francisco’s infamous gay Pride Parade “for the first time.” Celebrating the “boost” that the DOMA and Prop 8 rulings gave to the Pride Parade, the article quoted Girl Scout parent Del Gregor, who brought her 11-year-old daughter to march in the parade, as saying that she wants her kids “to be able to tell their children they were a part of this.”
"By the time they're grown up, their kids won't believe there was a time when gay people couldn't get married," Gregor continued.
Another Girl Scout mom, Sandy Holmes, who accompanied her 11-year-old daughter Ariana, rejoiced at participating in "such a historic occasion.”
USAToday touted the Parade as being “the largest ever” at 1.5 million attendees, a celebration which including “loud music, dancing and varying degrees of risqué dress.” A Youtube video confirms that Girl Scouts did, in fact, march in the parade, which was led this year by Edie Windsor, the woman who fought to have DOMA struck down by the Supreme Court.
But really, it’s sort of surprising this didn’t happen earlier. Unlike the Boy Scouts, who endured years of media bullying before they caved to the gay agenda, the Girl Scouts happily welcomed transgenders in 2011 when they opened their ranks to boys who “identify” as girls. Not to mention that the Girl Scouts have had longstanding ties to abortion-giant Planned Parenthood that even some of the Girl Scouts’ gals have had problems with. So marching in a Gay Pride Parade isn’t too big of a shocker after other such blatant support for the liberal – and specifically LGBT – agenda.
Maybe they can get a pin added to their sashes for that.