GLAAD Urges CBS to Put More T on TV

Gay group schmoozes with network execs to get more positive transgender roles in programming.

Here’s hoping CNN isn’t too possessive in its special relationship with GLAAD, because there may be another network in GLAAD’s life. CBS execs got chummy with GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) last week to map out how CBS can push the T part of the LGBT agenda in it’s TV shows. According to LifeSiteNews, GLAAD’s transgender activists hobnobbed with the CBS elite to “promote positive TV portrayals” of transgenders in the future.

Apparently transgenders – particularly GLAAD’s Nick Adams, a woman who “is living as a man,” – are upset that several CBS shows aired scenes in which transgenders were the butt of jokes or portrayed in a not-positive-enough light.

Adams gave a presentation decrying these scenes for “disrespectful and inaccurate” “anti-trans” bias and pushed for transgenders to get a more affirming endorsement from CBS. Adams lamented that the shows insisted on using masculine pronouns to refer to a guy who claimed to be a woman, for instance. The GLAAD representative also suggested multiple ways for CBS to add positive TV portrayals of transgenders, such as expanding one transgender character’s role or seeking out transgender contestants for its reality TV shows.

GLAAD’S Matt Kane also joined in, whining that CBS’s past portrayal of transgenders has been “offensive” and “predicated on the hateful notion that transgender people are inherently disgusting.” (Because to transgender activists, it’s not disgusting at all for a cross-dressing guy who thinks he’s a girl to be publically indulged for his delusion, and it’s “hateful” to point out the truth,).

Adams also made it clear why GLAAD is pushing for pro-trans TV propaganda: to indoctrinate American TV audiences. “The vast majority of Americans have no personal connection to someone who is transgender,” Adams explained, “so they rely solely on the media for information.”

The already blatantly pro-LGBT slants on other networks, like ABC’s “Modern Family” and “Mistresses” and NBC’s “The New Normal”  aren’t quite enough for GLAAD, it seems, and they’re eager to see CBS join the ranks of their pro-LGBT propaganda puppets.

Then again, sexual perversion is already standard primetime CBS fare, with it’s sleaze show “Two and A Half Men” and infidelity-loving “The Good Wife” or crudity-laced “2 Broke Girls.” Chances are, CBS will be only too GLAAD to join in on the LGBT pride parade of primetime TV.