HuffPo Live Wants to Gay Up Catholic Colleges
All-gay panel talk how to push gay agenda on Catholic campuses.
by Lauren Enk
The Huffington Post wants to make Catholic colleges more gay. So, HuffPo Live hosted a segment called “Rainbows for Catholic Colleges” on Thursday, and discussed how to undermine Catholic teaching and push the gay agenda on Catholic campuses. (Because Heaven forbid there be any institution left standing that hasn’t capitulated to postmodern morality.)
The panel included no traditional priests, not a single
traditional Catholic student, and not even a straight Catholic layman.
Nope. Just three gay guys. There’s diversity for you.
HuffPo Host Ricky Camilleri opened the discussion by lauding uber-liberal and nominally Catholic Georgetown University as a model of gay acceptance for all other Catholic colleges to follow. Hailing GU for “setting an example” to other Catholics, and wondered how the college had managed to “keep Catholic doctrine at bay.”
The panel was composed of two gay students from Georgetown: one was the leader of Georgetown’s gay pride group; the other was its first gay student body president. The third panelist was a HuffPo employee who wasn’t Catholic, and confessed to not even be particularly “religious.” But he was there because he once transferred to a Methodist college and – of course – because he was gay.
The gay pride group leader, Thomas Lloyd, said, “LGBTQ people have something to offer, in the discussion of ... what our values should be in the future.” (Our?) “There are a lot of changes the Church needs to make,” he said. He also claimed that “the gay experience can enrich the Catholic experience,” and argued that gays’ “experiences” should be “shared within their places of worship.”
has long been known for so offending its Catholic identity that the college is
currently embroiled
in a lawsuit from alumni seeking to have the college’s “Catholic” status
revoked. Georgetown
also produced the
infamous Sandra Fluke, an activist who demanded free birth control.
Like Fluke, the gay college students on the HuffPo Panel argued that encouraging the gay lifestyle was somehow part and parcel with the Jesuit Catholic mission of Georgetown – a logical contortion worthy of a school that doesn’t hide its contempt for its Catholic legacy.
“Does it help that Pope Francis is a Jesuit?” Camilleri asked hopefully. But Lloyd had to admit that it “hasn’t helped in particular yet.” (Hopefully someone has explained to him that Pope Francis’ stance on same-sex relationships is quite traditional.)
Then again, the Huffington Post is the same news outlet that can’t stop smirking about the Pope, loves the idea of gender-bending children, and thought the Prop 8 Supreme Court Ruling wasn’t pro-gay enough.
Add “Rainbows for Catholic Colleges” to a long list of ludicrous left-wing chatter in the HuffPo Live echo chamber.