Katy Perry Goes Pro-Military in New Music Video

Pop star Katy Perry could teach the liberal media a thing or two about patriotism and appreciation for the U.S. military. For her new music video "Part of Me," the singer embraced her inner, gritty “GI Jane” and trained alongside female Marines to deliver an authentic performance in her new military-inspired video.

Perry’s pro-military video is a breath of fresh air in a lefty media culture that loves to condemn positive Hollywood portrayals of American soldiers as propaganda, recently shown by the liberal media's war against Navy-Seal flick "Act of Valor."

Perry’s new break-up tune features the singer swapping her skinny jeans for a Marine’s combat utility uniform. In a recent interview with MTV Perry said she performed most of her own stunts, and even learned how to flip and carry her fellow trainees.

“This music video, as much as I was sore and exhausted, I was so educated on people in the service who I've always respected, but this time the respect goes beyond and above anything I could've imagined," Perry said. "The stuff that they go through, the loyalties and strengths that they all possess, it seems like they are seriously the heart of America."