New Enrique Iglesias 'F' Word Song Accelerates Race to Bottom

It seems that every year, American pop culture continues to push the envelope of what is acceptable in society, and 2010 was no different. From Cee-Lo Green's hit “F**k You” to Enrique Iglesias' new song set to release next year titled, “I'm F**king You” the “F” word is going mainstream. One has to wonder if the media will ask the question: Is there anything attention-seekers won't include in a song?

Iglesias is an internationally recognized artist famous for his fairly tame, catchy romantic pop tunes, such as the smashing single “Hero” which topped the UK charts in 2001. But just ten years later, Iglesias has decided to seek more fame with a raunchy new song, set to debut in 2011 called “Tonight (I'm F**king You).” The boundary-pushing lyrics include:

You know my motivation
Given my reputation
Please excuse I don't mean to be rude

But tonight I'm f**king you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm f**king you
Oh you know
That tonight I'm f**king you

Iglesias has recorded a “clean” version that replaces “f**king” with “loving,” but the accompanying music video is full of pornographic images including an orgy, a scene in which Iglesias takes a female stranger into a club bathroom to have sex with her and a lesbian kiss. The video has sparked outrage from fans on his website.

Iglesias seems to have determined to piggy-back off the success of famous foul-mouthed singer Cee-Lo Green.

Green's infamous, Grammy-nominated song “F**k You” got people talking when it debuted earlier this year. It was played on the radio as the clean version titled, “Forget You.” Even the hit show Glee featured the clean version of the song, sung by guest star Gwyneth Paltrow. The classy lyrics include:

I see you driving 'round town
With the girl I love and I'm like,
F**k you!
Oo, oo, ooo

The Seattle Post Intelligencer mentioned the Grammy-nominated song by Green, but failed to highlight the controversial lyrics. The Reno News and Review also listed the song as one of the editor's “favorites,” again ignoring the crude lyrics. The Huffington Post similarly glossed over the blatant “F” word in an article about the top 10 albums of 2010. Iglesias can probably expect the same treatment from the jaded media.