New Reality Show Will Auction off Virgins

It's no secret that reality shows on television can sometimes promote less than ideal values. From “Tila Tequila” to “The Jersey Show,” viewers are often subjected to the culture of hookups and nonstop partying. But a new reality show is actually going to auction off virgins to the highest bidder.

According to the New York Post, two women and one male virgin will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The show will air in Australia, but will be filmed in Nevada, where prostitution is legal. Another reason the show will be filmed in Nevada is because the show's filmmaker, Justin Sisely, was threatened along with the virgins to be charged with prostitution if it was filmed in Australia.

The New York Daily News reported that the virgins were recruited through posters that had the Virgin's Mary face on them. The posters read: “Virgins Wanted” and underneath the picture the poster stated: “A Documentary for the 21st century.”

The New York Daily News also reported that, “the virgins' first sexual experience will be filmed for viewers.”

The virgins will be paid a lump sum of $20,000, plus 90 percent of the winning bid. One virgin, Veronica, was quoted as saying, “Technically, I'm selling my virginity for money.” She continued to state, “But it's not going to be a regular thing, so in my head I can justify that I'm not going to be a prostitute. I don't think I'll regret it.”

Perhaps it is the year of the disgusting television show. Earlier this year, “Bump+” was introduced. In the fictional Web series, that is portrayed as being a reality television show, viewers decide if pregnant women keep their babies, gave them up for adaptation, or abort them.