
Media Research Center

New York Times: 'Experts' (?) Say Israel Must Admit 'Historic Grievances' of Terrorist Group Hamas

Former Times Jerusalem bureau chief Ethan Bronner: "Many analysts and diplomats outside Israel say the country today needs a different approach to Hamas and the Palestinians based more on ...
Media Research Center

New York Times Turns Up Heat on New Chief Executive Mark Thompson -- With Caveats

The paper's slow-boil coverage of an internal controversy has yet to match the front-page intensity it brought to its "damning" reporting on phone hacking by newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch, ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Hails 'Milestone' Gay Marriage Wins on Front Page; Conservative Causes Get Glummer Treatment

Times reporter Eric Eckholm waxed enthusiastically over gay marriage victories in several blue states: "Elated by their first ballot victories, in four states, advocates of same-sex marriage ...
Media Research Center

Israel's 'Ferocious Assault on Gaza' Damaged 'Relations With Egypt;' Hamas Merely 'Regarded' as Terrorist

Is Hamas merely "regarded by Israel" as a terrorist group? From the Times' lead story on Israel's killing of a Hamas terrorist: "Israel on Wednesday launched the most ferocious assault on Gaza ...
Media Research Center

NYT Praises Fox for Leaving Out 'Agitprop' on Election Night, Strains to Prove MSNBC Catching Up (Again) to Fox

Times media columnist David Carr "praises" Fox News for its election night coverage: "Over many months, Fox lulled its conservative base with agitprop: that President Obama was a clear ...
Media Research Center

NYT Sunday Review Contributor Finds 'Political Racism' in Long-Voting Lines for Minority Voters

Professor Steven Hahn in the NYTimes Sunday Review finds Republican racism in long voting lines and just about eveywhere else: "Although our present-day tactics are state-issued IDs, ...
Media Research Center

Thursday's New York Times Front Page: GOP 'Tough Tone' Puts Them in Trouble With Minorities and Women

Jennifer Steinhauer pinpoints the Republican's problem: They weren't liberal enough. "Congressional Republicans’ heavy focus on social issues affecting women -- like their proposals to reduce ...

New York Times: GOP Dwindling Collection of 'Angry,' 'Grumpy Old White Men'

The New York Times editorial board is hoping Republicans are "throwing out their old and failing playbook, seemingly written by and for a dwindling society of angry white men." Columnist Nicholas ...
Media Research Center

NYTimes Suggests GOP Ignored 'More Moderate, and Diverse, Direction of the Country' With Ryan Pick

NYT's Trip Gabriel: "Mr. Ryan will return to the House with a more central role to play in the conservative wing of the party, Congressional insiders said. But he is also open to blame by ...
Media Research Center

Dems Hand GOP 'Stinging Defeat' in Senate, But GOP Won House Despite 'Deep Disapproval,' Partisanship

Jennifer Steinhauer shone sour light on a bright spot for Republicans in yesterday's vote: "Deep disapproval of Congress and dissatisfaction with partisan division appeared no match for ...
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