For the third time in 10 months the Times sympathizes for Manhattanite girl turned Peruvian terrorist helper Lori Berenson, this time with a magazine portrait by novelist Jennifer Egan: "Such an ...
The lead sentence to Adam Liptak's lead story today on the free-speech victory for the funeral picketers of Westboro: "The First Amendment protects hateful protests at military funerals, the ...
Reporter Michael Shear's initial story on the Obama-was-raised-in-Kenya controversy, "Huckabee Questions Obama's Birth Certificate," becomes the more accurate "Huckabee Talks, Incorrectly, Of ...
Michael Cooper's story is based on report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a liberal group and popular source for the Times that the paper consistently fails to properly label ...
Another Times story quotes a former Voice editor comparing veteran liberal muckraker Wayne Barrett, who helped Sen. Schumer beat Republican Sen. Al D'Amato in 1998, as the journalistic equivalent ...
Clyde Haberman hits a hypocritical decision by New York City officials to take down a provocative pro-life billboard: "New York, never at a loss for self-congratulatory words, regards itself as ...
According to the paper's veteran Sunday magazine columnist, Bush was an incompetent and insane president who lied us into war, socialism is a good thing, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates should ...
The Times took pains to emphasize the nonviolent nature of the ongoing pro-union protests over Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's plan to limit collective bargaining for government unions: "Although ...
Talking to the University of Oklahoma's student newspaper, did Paul Krugman, respected economist turned partisan liberal columnist, really suggest American college students start rioting about ...
The Times just keeps jabbing at New Jersey's budget-cutting Gov. Chris Christie. Reporter Richard Perez-Pena: "Taking credit for leading the way on fiscal austerity under such conditions, they ...