
The Times Sticks Up for Earmarks Again

Newly minted anti-earmark conservatives are facing a backlash, says Jennifer Steinhauer: "Tensions are particularly acute in districts where new conservative lawmakers, many of whom criticized ...

NYT Gets Back on Amnesty-for-Illegals Hobby Horse

In a story lamenting the failure of the Dream Act, reporter Julia Preston puts an emotional liberal spin on legislation cutting off benefits to illegal immigrants: "Hostility toward illegal ...

James McKinley Again Calls for Tax Hikes in Texas

Houston bureau chief James McKinley: "Democrats said Mr. Perry and Republican legislative leaders, who have big majorities in both houses, are ignoring reality to curry favor with Tea Party ...

Zeleny Overdoses on 'Conservatives' in CPAC Preview

"In the wake of sweeping Republican victories in last year's Congressional elections, where Tea Party supporters rewarded candidates who pledged to uphold fiscally conservative principles and ...

Taranto Tackles Times' Hate-Speech Hypocrisy

James Taranto tackles the Times endorsement of a left-wing group and it's blatant hate-speech hypocrisy: "By the Times's standards, surely it is legitimate to hold Common Cause, and particularly ...

Brian Stelter Praises Anti-American Network Al Jazeera for Seizing Opportunity in Egypt

Times media reporter Brian Stelter: " recently as Friday the conservative Fox News commentator Bill O'Reilly branded Al Jazeera as 'anti-America.' But that view has been largely drowned out ...

Frank Rich on the 'Indiscriminate Demonization of Arabs in America'

Frank Rich defends the anti-American satellite network Al Jazeera and lectures his fellow Americans on "demonizing" Arabs: "The consequence of a decade's worth of indiscriminate demonization of ...

Gail Collins Snarls at the 'Stunning Women' of the Right Opposing Control of Their Own Bodies

Gail Collins: "'Planned Parenthood aids and abets the sexual abuse and prostitution of minors,' announced Lila Rose, the beautiful anti-abortion activist who led the project. The right wing is ...

The Times Barely Touches Reagan's 100th; Unflattering When It Does

Not exactly a commemoration: The Times' sparse coverage is highlighted by a friendly interview with a Reagan-hostile HBO documentary filmmaker and a column from Reagan's liberal biographer Edmund ...

Kalb to Keller: Why Do You Allow Left-Wing Views in Your News Stories?

Marvin Kalb asks Executive Editor Bill Keller: "Many conservatives as you well know, criticize the Times as being a liberal, left-wing newspaper, and that those views get into the news part of ...
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