
Despite 'Evolving' Views of Death Penalty, 'Fierce Ethos of Eye-for-an-Eye' Still Strong in Utah

Another entry in Kirk Johnson's obsession with the state of conservatism in Utah: "A place once righteously confident in its world view and harsh in its judgment of places that seemed to have gone ...

Departing Public Editor Hoyt: We're Not the Fox News of the Left

The paper's departing public editor Clark Hoyt admitted the Times' editorial page and columnists are liberal and that the paper shares the prevailing sensibilities of the city and region where it ...

The Times Admires Obama's War Footing Against the Oil Spill

Peter Baker: "Evoking the spirit and language of predecessors who used the same setting to send troops into harm's way, Mr. Obama cast the effort to cap a well as part of the American ...

G.O.P. Meg Whitman's Old Shove More Newsworthy Than Dem. Congressman's Videotaped Assault

Balance? Eight paragraphs for the widely seen clip of Democratic Rep. Bob Etheridge attacking two young filmmakers; 27 paragraphs and prominent placement for an allegation from 2007 about ...

Dowd Admits: Democrats Expect Favorable Media

Columnist Maureen Dowd on Obama: "Like many Democrats, he thinks the press is supposed to be on his side."

Crist Wins Over 'Compassionate Conservatives' By Vetoing Pro-Life Bill?

Reporter Damien Cave's dubious claim: "[Crist] said financial and medical measures that make it harder for women to end their pregnancies 'do not change hearts, which is the only true and ...

The Times Left Mao's Atrocities Out of Obituary for Physicist Turned Maoist Joan Hinton

The Washington Post headline: "Joan Hinton, worked on Manhattan Project and became devoted Mao follower, dies at 88." The New York Times headline: "Joan Hinton, 88, Physicist Who Chose China Over ...

A Golden State of Bias: Two Stories on Fiorina's Harmless 'Classic Campaign Gaffe,' None on Jerry Brown's Nazi Rant

The Times has devoted two stories to Republican Senate primary winner Carly Fiorina mocking Sen. Barbara Boxer's hair, but has yet to mention Jerry Brown comparing his Republican opponent for ...

Patricia Cohen Stays on the Intolerant Intellectual Conservative Beat

Patricia Cohen says the conservative journal Commentary "has an us-versus-them view of the world and has been unforgiving of family members who publicly air disagreements. Mr. Balint, however, ...

Columnist: GOP Women Won 'While Espousing Far-Right, Far-Out Ideas'

Columnist Peter Applebome, not so cheerful about Republican women winning big last Tuesday: "Last week's primaries were a great moment for women in American politics, an inspiring reminder that ...
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