
Sympathy for Lori Berenson, Baker, Music Teacher, Unrepentant Terrorist Helper

From reporter Simon Romero, sympathy for recently paroled Lori Berenson, ace baker, music teacher, and unrepentant terrorist helper: "Television crews descended on her neighbors-to-be in Lima, ...

One Last Nibble of ACORN Scandal: 'Conservative Provocateur' Runs 'Heavily Edited Videos'

One last time, reporter Campbell Robertson slants the ACORN story in favor of the left-wing group: "Mr. O'Keefe, whom the judge described as 'extremely talented,' gained fame for secretly ...

Savage Defends Lefty Guantanamo Lawyers as Patriotic 'Civil Libertarians'

Legal reporter Charlie Savage: "The legislation is the latest attack on lawyers representing detainees. Although such lawyers have tended to espouse civil libertarian views, some conservative ...

Times Doesn't Get to the (Democratic) Party in Detroit

Nick Bunkley's story on Kwame Kilpatrick, the disgraced former Democratic mayor of Detroit, being sent to prison for five years for violating his probation failed to provide his party ID. By ...

She's No John Edwards: Times Quickly Airs Blogger's Claim of Affair With SC Gov. Candidate

Whatever happened to the Times' daintiness over sexual allegations involving Democrats like John Edwards? Shaila Dewan barely hedges when reporting claims of an affair between a candidate for ...

NYT Sees GOP's Special Election Loss as Harbinger for November

The Times continued to use its front-page real estate to trumpet last week's G.O.P.'s loss in a special House election in Pennsylvania as a warning sign for the 2010 elections, even though the ...

The Times Follows the Aftermath of Climate-Gate in Britain

Reporter Elisabeth Rosenthal's front-page fret: "Last month hundreds of environmental activists crammed into an auditorium here to ponder an anguished question: If the scientific consensus on ...

Times Raises Sestak Bribe Allegation, Presses Obama on Hypocrisy

Peter Baker is the first Times reporter to directly address Sestak's allegations of the White House bribing him to drop out of the Democratic primary, and even raises the hypocrisy angle: "Even if ...

NYT's Economic Guru Again Hits Reagan for 'Magnifying Income Inequality'

David Leonhardt brags on Obama, who is on a regulatory roll: "Today, he looks more like a liberal answer to Ronald Reagan." He then blames Reagan for fostering income inequality, and praises Obama ...

NYT's John Harwood Scorched by Scarborough for Blumenthal Defense

Times political writer John Harwood may have gotten more than he bargained for in an appearance on Joe Scarborough's MSNBC show Morning Joe when he tried to defend Connecticut Attorney General ...
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