
Public Editor Checks Out Complaints on Blumenthal 'Vietnam' Expose, Concludes: 'The Times Was Right'

Clark Hoyt defends the paper's front-page expose on CT Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's fibbing about serving in Vietnam: "In the end, through all the swirling sand the article has kicked up, ...

Author of Limbaugh Bio Accused of 'Stockholm Syndrome'

Critic Janet Maslin harshly accused journalist Zev Chafets of exhibiting Stockholm syndrome for his failure to lambast Rush Limbaugh in his new biography of the talk radio giant.

Times Carves Up 'Tea Party Candidate' Rand Paul on Front Page

Times takes shot at Kentucky primary winner Rand Paul for his views on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and even criticizes him for holding his victory party at a country club.

'Creating a Cuisine Out of Smoke' ...and It's Not Barbeque

First clue: The bong on the front page of the Dining Section: "Call it haute stoner cuisine."

Kudos: The Times Gets It Right in Lead on BP Oil Spill

Nothing vague about this lead to a front-page story: "Tensions between the Obama administration and the scientific community over the gulf oil spill are escalating...."

David Herszenhorn Mocks Mitch McConnell's Limited Government Rhetoric

Not much respect for limited government views from reporter David Herszenhorn, as he takes to mocking the Senate Republican leader: "Mr. McConnell's complaint? You guessed it! Government takeover."

The Times Can't Stop Pushing Two Itsy-Bitsy Amnesty Marches

After two full stories on a grand total of nine protesters marching for amnesty for illegal immigrant students, the Times follows up with a pungent editorial on the same lame marches.

Kate Zernike Takes Another Crack at Understanding Tea Party In Wake of Paul's KY Win

Reporter Kate Zernike last month pigeon-holed the Tea Party movement as "white and male," fueled by anger and memories from a time "when the country was less diverse." This time Zernike actually ...

Spinning Democratic Optimism for 2010 on the Front Page

Democrat Mark Critz's victory to fill the House seat of late Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha merited a front-page story analysis on Thursday by congressional reporter Carl Hulse: "House Victory ...

Soda Pop As Dangerous as Cigarettes?

Economics writer David Leonhardt gets a little melodramatic: "Someday, we will probably look back on our gallon-a-week soda habit the way we now look back on allowing children to ride without seat ...
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