
Ho Hum: NYT Strangely Sanguine About Job Loss During Obama Administration

A long front-page article about how some jobs aren't coming back doesn't even mention Obama's name. Did the Times cover unemployment under Reagan and Bush in similar fashion? Hardly.

'Robin Hood,' the First Tea Partier? So Says Politics-Obsessed Critic A. O. Scott

Times' politics-obsessed movie critic A.O. Scott finds parallels between the "manly libertarian rebel" that is the hero of "Robin Hood" and the Tea Party movement. Scott also again rides to how ...

Bush's Deregulatory Agenda 'Gone Too Far,' Says a Times....News Story?

So even the Bush administration knew they had "gone too far" in deregulation? That's according to Times reporter Eric Lipton, who doesn't sound very fair and balanced here: "The push for some of ...

Damien Cave Unloads Cheap Shots on News GOP to Hold 2012 Convention in Tampa

Where did that come from? "But Republicans be warned: Florida is a place of big dreams and big guffaws. Democrats (Gary Hart) and Republicans (Rush Limbaugh) have both drowned in scandal here..."

Times Fronts Allegations of NYPD Discrimination from Unlabeled Hard-Left CCR

The Times runs a front page story alleging racial discrimination by the NYPD with research solely from an unlabeled hard-left Center for Constitutional Rights, who represents defendants at ...

Gail Collins Praises Margaret Sanger as Birth-Control Savior, Ignores Her Racism and Support for Eugenics

Editor-turned-columnist Gail Collins has a long history of adoring Sanger: "For the Lower East Side there are so many potential subjects that it might be better to commandeer an entire city park ...

Leonhardt Tortures Logic to Argue Tea Partiers Aren't Serious About Cutting Spending

Huh? Leonhardt blames Tea Partiers for not being serious about cutting spending: "Just last weekend, Tea Party members helped deny Senator Robert Bennett, the Utah Republican, his party's ...

Times Pushes Condom Education, Quotes Planned Parenthood Twice Without Proper ID

While discounting the value of abstinence education, reporter Roni Caryn Rabin twice quoted Planned Parenthood without mentioning that it's a pro-abortion conglomerate which operates abortion clinics.

'Conservatives' Battle 'Civil Libertarians' in the NYT's Long War on Balance

The Times main battle plan: Avoiding the L-word at all costs.

Obama Pick Elena Kagan a 'Liberal,' But Only 'in Moderation'

Peter Baker wonders if Elena Kagan is liberal enough to battle with the staunch conservatives on the Supreme Court, while the Times fawns over Kagan the "opera-loving, poker-playing, ...
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