
Lefties (and the White House) Gush Over David Leonhardt's Stimulus Defense

David Leonhardt, the Times conscience on economics issues, celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Obama stimulus while attacking "hard-core skeptics" and pushing for yet another stimulus." The ...

NYT AWOL on Latest 'Climate Change' Revelations

Notorious climate scientist Phil Jones confessed that world temperatures could well have been warmer in the past than they are today, and also admitted there has been no statistically significant ...

Nagourney Thinks GOP Will Fall Short of Previously Impossible Dream: Senate Takeover

You don't say: "G.O.P. Dream of Gaining Senate Control Faces Significant Hurdles," reads Adam Nagourney's latest political memo. But just two months ago no one was even talking about such a thing. ...

Where Is McCain's Apology? NYT Lead Pushes Obama to Break No-Tax Hike Pledge

The Times fiercely attacked Republicans during the 2008 campaign for daring to suggest Obama might raise taxes on people making under $250,000 a year. Today, reporter Jackie Calmes encourages him ...

'Weird' Tea Party Conventioneers: More Anger Than Answers

Tea Party convention-goers have a lot of anger, they don't have a lot of answers, according to reporter Kate Zernike on a podcast.

Darn That 'Unyielding Partisanship' Making 'Centrist' Dem Evan Bayh Retire

Reporter Adam Nagourney nodded along to the Democratic-friendly idea that "centrist" Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh's retirement was about "unyielding partisanship" in Congress, not the grim prospects ...

Times Exposes Liberal 'Fund-Raising Powerhouse': The Congressional Black Caucus

It may not be surprising for the Times to investigate corporate fat cats piling their cash on a congressional charity. But it's surprising when it's the Congressional Black Caucus.

Beware the Tea Party Movement!

Investigative reporter David Barstow goes to Idaho to understand the paranoia of the Tea Party movement, and brings up past anti-government and racist extremists in a 4,500-word front-page ...

Soda = Big Tobacco, According to No-Fun NYT Food Writer Mark Bittman

In addition some copy editor at the Times has a puritanical relationship with snacks: To help dam the river of sugared drinks that Americans pour into ever-fatter bodies each year, some suggest a ...

Obama Loves Attorney General Eric Holder, and So Does the Times

Obama hearts the "low-key" "genial," "self-deprecating," and of course "pragmatic" Attorney General Eric Holder, in a long profile of Holder that fails to mention his Justice Department's refusal ...
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