
Double Standards: Glenn Beck's 'Ignorant,' 'Insulting' Remarks on Churches, But Silence on Olbermann's Nazi Attack on Jew

While Glenn Beck "managed to insult just about every mainline" Christian church in the country with controversial remarks about social justice, left-wing host Keith Olbermann makes Nazi ...

Anti-Military Paranoid Piece 'Green Zone' Hailed by Top Times Movie Critic A.O. Scott

Michael Moore fan and Times movie critic A.O. Scott finds a left-wing fantasist version of the Iraq War featuring murderous U.S. soldiers and top brass an impressive sense of scruples. They have ...

While Post Fronts Latest Rep. Massa Developments, NYT Files Incomplete AP Brief on A-12

The Massa story moves forward, as reports surfaced that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office had been alerted to Massa's behavior with young male staffers back in October and the GOP moved to ...

Former Editor Howell Raines Drums Fox News Out of Journalism for Anti-Obama 'Propaganda Campaign'

Howell Raines accuses Fox News of "a propaganda campaign against the Obama administration" that's "without precedent in our modern political history" and accuses the network of having "overturned ...

Cooper Accuses Justice Alito of 'Breaking With Decorum' at Obama's State of the Union Rant

According to reporter Helene Cooper, Justice Samuel Alito "escalated" State of the Union confrontation with Obama in January, "breaking with decorum" by shaking his head and mouthing, "No, it's ...

Double Standards on 'Demonizing' Justice Dept. Lawyers

The Times stands up for Obama administration lawyers who had previously defended Al Qaeda detainees at Guantanamo, fiercely attacking a conservative group for making their service an issue. Yet ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note: NYT Imagines Racial Stereotyping at Conservative Convention

Plus: Times gushes over pro-Obama "Coffee Party" after dismissing anti-tax Tea Party rallies as full of "anger" and "Astroturf."

Times Applauds Obama's 'High-Octane Performance' Targeting Health Insurance Industry

A fired-up Obama goes after health insurance companies, and the Times seems to like what it hears: "In a high-octane appearance that harked back to his 'yes we can' campaign days, Mr. Obama ...

Has Barack Lost Frank Rich, Too?

Rich warns Obama that the clock is running out on his presidency: "This time Obama doesn't have a year to arrive at his finest hour. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the clock runs out on ...

Times Has (Some) Praise for National Enquirer Breaking Edwards' Story It Ignored

Stephanie Clifford gave credit to The National Enquirer linking former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards to his mistress Rielle Hunter - but lets the media (and the Times) off the ...
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