Who's vetting left-wing ads at the Times? The notorious MoveOn.org ad inaccurately cited the paper's own reporting when it called Gen. David Petraeus a liar.
"Mrs. Clinton told aides this year to vet major donors carefully....Yet nine months into her campaign, Mrs. Clinton is grappling with exactly the situation she feared..."
Sheryl Gay Stolberg mocks Bush in Australia and says matter-of-factly: "Of course, it is the president's policies, not his food preferences, that irk Australians."
The Times is determined to limit any political gains Republican Rudy Giuliani gets for 9-11: "...there have been renewed questions about the fuzzy line between somber remembrance and political ...
Rich calls two scholars from the left-of-center Brookings Institution "Pentagon junketeers" for daring to suggest things are improving on the ground in Iraq.