
At Least Conservative Thompson "Less Doctrinaire" Than Reagan

Eighteen "conservative" labels in a story on the emerging Thompson campaign.

Where Have All the Gay Comic Book Heroes Gone?

The Times unearths a burning issue: "[Perry Moore] also has the fervor of an activist when discussing the dearth - and occasional shoddy treatment - of gay superheroes in mainstream comic books."

The Times Can't Shake Its Skepticism over Terror Plots

Even the undeniable threat foiled in Germany yesterday comes with a caveat: "Europe has been the site of a number of devastating terrorist plots, but some have turned out later to be less than met ...

Blurring the Iraq-Al Qaeda Connection with "Mesopotamia"

So nice, the Times printed it twice in two days: "Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, the homegrown Sunni Arab extremist group that American intelligence agencies have concluded is foreign led. The extent of ...

New Law Passed, Texans Already Going Kill-Crazy

Reporter Gretel Kovach: "A Texas rock musician was shot to death here early Monday by a neighbor who fired through a closed door, thinking he was scaring off a burglar. The incident occurred just ...

Flashback: Elian Gonzalez "Reunited with His Father in Cuba"

The Times skipped the parts about the armed federal raid on the family's house.

"Strong Incentives to Comply" in Cuba Fridge Swap

What sort of "strong incentives" apply in a Communist dictatorship? Reporter Simon Romero doesn't ask, but does talk about the "free" health care and education in Cuba.

Cooper vs. Condi: NYT Smacks Rice Around

In an unsympathetic evaluation, reporter Helene Cooper promoted the view that "as national security adviser [Condoleezza Rice] largely served as a rubber stamp for a series of foreign policy ...

More Advocacy for U.S. Muslims from Reporter Neil MacFarquhar

MacFarquhar quotes Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison decrying "bigoted attacks" from two GOP Representatives - but fails to mention Ellison's comparison of 9-11 to the Reichstag Fire.

"Severe Cutbacks in Funding" During Reagan Years to Blame for Product-Related Deaths?

A bias toward bureaucracy in Eric Lipton's front-page story: "...the Bush-appointed commissioners voiced few objections as the already tiny agency - now just 420 workers - was pared almost to the ...
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