Science writer John Tierney: "Ms. Carson used dubious statistics and anecdotes (like the improbable story of a woman who instantly developed cancer after spraying her basement with DDT) to warn of ...
Editorial board member Adam Cohen attacks Thomas's rectitude and says of Bush's Supreme Court selections: "With its new members, the court is also likely to make prisons less civilized, and ...
In defending Weather Channel "climate expert" Heidi Cullen's intolerance of opposing views, the Times embraces the idea of man-made global warming as an undeniable fact.
Robert Dallek, a popular Times' source for Republican-bashing, can also defend Democrats: "The book is almost uniformly negative and overly focused on what they consider the Clintons' scandalous ...
In a new book, veteran Times reporters Jeff Gerth and Don Van Natta take on Hillary from the left on the war and claim her marriage to Bill is more political than marital, and make ABC's Chris ...
The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times found the Kennedy Airport terror plot worthy of the front page - but the hometown paper downplayed the threat in its own backyard.
Dobbs fights back against Times reporter-turned-columnist David Leonhardt, who called Dobbs a paranoid "nativist" for his strong opposition to illegal immigration.