
Kaus on Fire Over NYT's Bad Immigration Polling

Slate's Mickey Kaus: "That NYT -CBS poll purporting to show support for the Kyl-Kennedy semi-amnesty isn't as bad as I realized. It's worse!"

Amnesty Good, Tax Cuts Bad

In 2007, the Times used its poll to push for passage of an immigration "reform" bill. But in 2001, its poll stories tried to explain away public support for Bush's tax cuts.

The Poll's Goals

The New York Times reports its own poll on immigration, complete with slanted questions and a slanted cherry-picking of the answers.

Times Targeted at National Press Club for Politically Correct Coverage of Duke Case

Influential columnist Stuart Taylor targets the New York Times treatment of the Duke "rape" hoax.

Bill Richardson, Immigration Centrist? Not Exactly

Adam Nagourney claims that Bill Richardson sounds like a Republican because he doesn't use the word amnesty to describe his plan for letting illegals become citizens.

Times Buries Mention of Forced Abortions in China

Joseph Kahn's story about Beijing's latest brutal crackdown in the name of population control doesn't mention forced abortions until the fifth paragraph, relying on euphemisms instead.

GOP Must "Atone" for Conservative "Death Grip"

Repent, GOP, says Book Review Editor Sam Tanenhaus: "The G.O.P.'s embrace of the conservative movement is beginning, some say, to resemble a death grip. But there have been no signs of atonement ...

Bad Labeling Habits Continue

Liberal labeling habits: Meet Sen. Ted Kennedy, plain old "Democrat of Massachusetts," and check out the "conservative legacy of the religious right" (as opposed to the liberal legacy?).

Top Book Critic Loves Gore's "Fiercely Argued" Anti-Bush Screed

Michiko Kakutani's fan mail: Gore's powerful book "The Assault on Reason" just as great as "An Inconvenient Truth."

Moral Equivalency Between Israel, Palestinian Terrorists

Israel killed four terrorists, while Palestinians killed an Israeli citizen. But it's all the same for Times' headline writers.
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