Post Forgets Democrats Supported Alternative Minimum Tax
The headline read like a press release: “Democrats Craft New Tax Rules, New Image.” It might as well have been one.
The April 23
That repeal was pushed by Republicans, opposed by Democrats and vetoed by Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1999. Out of the six congressmen in the story, the two Republicans voted to repeal the tax. Only one Democrat quoted was in Congress at the time, Rep. Earl Pomeroy (ND), and he voted to keep the tax in place.
Post reporter Lori Montgomery portrayed the new Democratic congressional majority as trying to “restore the original purpose of the parallel tax structure.” But the story she told was one filled with liberal Democrats and left-wing think tanks.
Out of nine people cited in the story, four were Democratic officials and three others included a Democratic pollster and two representatives of left-wing think tanks. It also cited analysis by the “
To combat Democratic charges that “tax cuts since 2001 have disproportionately benefited the wealthy and added billions of dollars to the federal debt,” two GOP House members were given just 138 words out of a 1,262-word story. That’s just 11 percent to address Republican charges that Democrats were pushing “class warfare.”