
NBC's Lauer Hypes Pelosi's Non-Existent Charges Against Gingrich As 'Pretty Alarming'

Despite the fact that Nancy Pelosi has failed to produce any evidence to back up her claim that she "knows something" about Newt Gingrich that would end his candidacy, on Thursday's NBC Today, ...

4689 Days and Counting: Newt Was Found Innocent Nearly 13 Years Ago and the Networks Have Yet to Report It.

Following the recent threats from Nancy Pelosi and the heavy brush with which the media are painting Newt Gingrich as unethical, the Media Research Center is now calling on the networks to seize ...

CBS to Bachmann: Why Attack Newt for Cooperating With Pelosi?

On Wednesday's Early Show, CBS's Erica Hill pressed Rep. Michele Bachmann during an interview about her attack on Newt Gingrich for his notorious 2008 commercial with Nancy Pelosi on climate ...

Schieffer: Congress's 'Worse Than Car Thieves' Poll Numbers Good for Obama

On Friday's Early Show, CBS's Bob Schieffer wildly spun Congress's 12% job approval as good news for President Obama, despite his own low poll numbers: "My heavens! He's 20 points ahead of the ...

Disappointed Andrea Mitchell Hits Pelosi from the Left: Where Are the Tax Increases?

NBC's Andrea Mitchell, in an exclusive Wednesday interview with Nancy Pelosi aired on her MSNBC show, hit the Democratic House Minority Leader from the left on the debt agreement as she pronounced ...

ABC: Supreme Court Decision Gives Wal-Mart Ability to 'Crush' Women 'One at a Time'

'World News' slants report against retailer with voices 4-to-1 against court ruling in class-action gender discrimination lawsuit.

Networks Skip Coverage of Obamacare Waivers for Wealthy Pelosi Liberals

According to the three major networks, the granting of numerous waivers to Barack Obama's health care law, including 38 in April alone to wealthy, entertainment businesses in Nancy Pelosi's San ...

Today Show Features GOP vs Dem Fight Over Styrofoam Cups in Capitol Cafeteria

As part of Green is Universal week, NBC's Kelly O'Donnell highlighted a fight between Republicans and Democrats over the use of Styrofoam in the House cafeterias. On Thursday's Today show, ...

MSNBC's Mitchell Mourns 'Painful' End of Nancy Pelosi's 'Historic' Speakership

During her 1PM ET hour show on MSNBC on Tuesday, host Andrea Mitchell sympathized with exiting Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, remarking that the California Democrat having to hand over the ...

CNN's Kathleen Parker: Nancy Pelosi is the Democrats' 'Mama Grizzly'

Kathleen Parker, CNN's resident pseudo-conservative, gushed over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday's Parker-Spitzer, trumpeting how the San Francisco liberal stood amongst her fellow ...
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