
Hushing Rush after 20 Years

Liberals in Congress view talk radio as a profound threat to their power. They intend to do whatever they can to reduce the impact of conservative talkers, First Amendment be damned.

Pelosi: San Fran 'Mischaracterized' by Right as 'Out of Mainstream'

House Speaker claims 'exploiters' villainize city because they don't want to nation to follow lead in 'living wage,' health care and environmental 'value.'

Nancy Pelosi Schmoozes With NYT Reporter, Who Asks About Impeaching Bush

Reporter Elisabeth Bumiller poses sympathetic questions to the House Speaker at a public interview, and Pelosi brings up the Fairness Doctrine: "[Right-wingers] saw an opportunity, came out of the ...

ABC's The View Plays Kissyface with Katy Perry

The ladies ask some hard questions of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but gush over the lesbian-experimenting pop star.

GOP Senator Vows to Close Down Senate Until 'Vote on Offshore Exploration'

Sen. Jim DeMint calls Pelosi, Democrats 'hypocrites' for urging Bush to release oil from the strategic reserves and opposing drilling.

Post Forgets Democrats Supported Alternative Minimum Tax

AMT story cites nine sources about 'new rules,' but only two Republicans

Mum's the Word on Radical Democrat Social Agenda

Media avoid awakening traditional values voters by ignoring Democrat plans.

"Staunch Conservative" John Murtha?

More misleading labeling on anti-war hero Rep. Murtha by reporter Carl Hulse.
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