Reba McEntire Excited Her New Show Is Full of Gay Content

ABC sitcom laden with lefty agenda themes.

Reba McEntire’s new show “Malibu Country” was just renewed on ABC, and the country star couldn’t be more excited about it. Nor, apparently, can the gay media.

“Leave it to Beaver” this show is not. In the pilot, Reba’s mother (played by lesbian comedian Lily Tomlin) experiments with medical marijuana and Reba’s TV daughter June makes out with a male “gay” character named Sage.

In an interview with Advocate, McEntire crowed about how much she cherished her gay following and the show’s gay themes.

“I’ve got a huge gay following, and they’ve always been very supportive, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t any difference between Nashville and LA,” McEntire said.

Advocate gushed over “Malibut Country’s” “gay family-friendly” vibe and how the show has won the hearts of many LGBT fans.

Advocate writer Diane Anderson-Minshall told said Tomlin and McEntire together were “just fireworks.”

“There’s a great moment in the first episode with Lily Tomlin’s character, in fact. She's carefree and she’s smoking pot and all, but then there’s a great moment when she turns around and says, ‘Look, Reba it happened to me.’ It turned comedy into drama.Malibu Country’ creator Dave Stewart said that you and Lily together are ‘just fireworks,’ Anderson-Minshall said to McEntire in the interview.

The show will also feature “Queer Eye For the Straight Guy’s” Jai Rodriquez in a recurring role. And in addition to her gay friend Sage, the June character has a lesbian friend yet to be introduced.

“Malibu Country” is one of the many shows on ABC that cater to the gay agenda. Long-running drama “Grey’s Anatomy” is full of gay characters and newcomer “Scandal” schilled for gays in the military during its pilot.