Sarah Silverman Doodles Swastika for Fans, Has ‘Holocaust High’

Silverman shares swastika doodle with myriad of fans.

If there’s one comedian who needs a laugh track, it’s Sarah Silverman – and even that might not suffice to drown out the booing. 

The 43-year-old comedian Sarah Silverman recently took to social media to share a swastika she had drawn. She announced, “I doodled a bubble-lettered swastika. I shall call it ‘Holocaust High’” and then added in parentheses, “Sorry.”

Making sure her “artwork” wasn’t without an audience, Silverman shared the picture and its caption to millions of fans via Twitter, Facebook, and People Magazine’s celebrity site

Although Jewish by descent, Silverman told CNN’s Larry King in 2010 that, “I'm not Jewish by – I have no religion.” She explained, “I'm just Jewish in the way that it oozes out of my pores uncontrollably. I can't – it's beyond my control, but personally I have no religion.” 

Nor is Silverman funny, although it might ooze from her pores in the form of appearing in a PSA with “Jesus F-ing Christ,” or hosting an abortion telethon with comedian Lizz Winstead.

— Katie Yoder is Staff Writer, Joe and Betty Anderlik Fellow in Culture and Media at the Media Research Center. Follow Katie Yoder on Twitter.