Stewart Attacks FNC; Claims ‘Every Person of Color’ has Experienced Racism in ‘Last Couple Hours’

A lecture on racism from The Daily Show.

Just back from his summer hiatus on Aug. 26, Jon Stewart had a lot of hate to unload on Fox News, and a lot of sanctimonious posturing on race.

After lamenting the death of the 18-year-old black teenager Michael Brown at the hands of white police officer Darrell Wilson, Stewart went on to bash Fox News for suggesting that the mainstream media was automatically making this case a race issue.

Stewart condescendingly lectured Sean Hannity, saying “Do you not understand that life in this country is inherently different for white people and black people?”

Dismissing Fox News’ concerns about race-baiting in the media’s coverage of the Michael Brown story, Stewart digressed into a lecture of “America’s racism problem.”

"Here's the problem with everything that's going on in this conversation. This isn't all about just one man killed in one town. It's about how people of color, no matter their socioeconomic standing, face obstacles in this country with surprising grace."

All standard fare for the media’s race baiters, but then Stewart pushed the boundaries of reason and claimed that racial discrimination was something every black person in America faced on a constant hourly basis.

“I guarantee you that every person of color in this country has faced an indignity — from the ridiculous to the grotesque to the sometimes fatal — at some point in their … I’m going to say last couple of hours because of their skin color.”

It’s hard to argue with such an absurd statement that Stewart could obviously know nothing about, much less, “guarantee.” 

But of course, Stewart is very aware of racism in America and he knows firsthand what it feels like, as a white male. “Race is there, and it is a constant,” Stewart said. “You’re tired of hearing about it? Imagine how fucking exhausting it is living it.” 

Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin noted the irony too.

Of course the liberal media loved this performance by Stewart. Raw Story, which radical feminist Amanda Marcotte writes for frequently, hyped the comdedian “shredded” Fox News; while the left-wing Policy Mic claimed the comedian “ripped apart” Fox News’ Ferguson coverage.

— Kristine Marsh is Staff Writer for MRC Culture at the Media Research Center. Follow Kristine Marsh on Twitter.