Times Hypes 'Damning Report' Against Murdoch's Media Empire: Four Front-Page Stories in Eight Days
There's a clear Rupert Murdoch obsession within the headquarters of the New York Times. In anticipation of a report from the British government, the Times in the last week has gone into overdrive with front-page stories attacking the international media mogul and chief executive of News Corporation, which oversees conservative-leaning media organs and is a direct Times competitor in New York with the Wall Street Journal and New York Post.
The "damning report" was featured on Wednesday's front page: "Panel in Hacking Case Finds Murdoch Unfit as News Titan." It marks the fourth time in 8 days that the Times has played the unfolding media and political scandal on the front page. In contrast, the Washington Post played today's news in the Style section.
Monday brought a front-page analysis by Amy Chozick: "A Scandal Starts to Hem In Murdoch's Empire."
Thursday April 26: "Murdoch, Center Stage, Plays Powerless Broker."
Wednesday April 25: "Murdoch Case Shifts Its Focus To a Minister."
The Times has issued several hit pieces over the years on Murdoch and his media holdings, some but not of all have a conservative tilt, in contrast to the liberal Times. Former executive editor Bill Keller made a hobby of attacking Murdoch-owned Fox News, as did former executive editor Howell Raines in typically crude fashion.