Times Watch Quotes of Note - Venezuela Dictator Hugo Chavez a 'Good-Hearted Man of the People'

Plus: Democrats and double standards: Robert Byrd vs. Jesse Helms, plus the brilliant, funny, warm, and witty Elena Kagan.

Kagan a 'Brilliant Woman...Who Is Also Very Funny and Warm and Witty'

"Let's not forget that Elena Kagan has been an academic. She is a brilliant woman. She's somebody who is also very funny and warm and witty, and I think Americans will see that when they-when she comes before the Senate today." - Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg, on the June 28 edition of TimesCast, at nytimes.com.

Venezuela Dictator Hugo Chavez a 'Good-Hearted Man of the People'

"During 'South of the Border' Mr. Stone schmoozes with several left-wing political leaders, including his good buddy the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez; he takes Mr. Stone to his childhood home, where Mr. Chávez mounts a children's bike that collapses under him. Mr. Chávez comes across as a rough-hewn but good-hearted man of the people whose bullheaded determination is softened by a sense of humor. At a corn-processing factory, he jokes: 'This is where we build the Iranian atomic bomb. A corn bomb.' Ho, ho, ho." - Movie critic Stephen Holden, in his June 25 review of Oliver Stone's left-wing documentary "South of the Border."

Democrats and Double Standards

"Robert C. Byrd, who used his record tenure as a United States senator to fight for the primacy of the legislative branch of government and to build a modern West Virginia with vast amounts of federal money, died at about 3 a.m. Monday, his office said. He was 92." - Lead sentence of Adam Clymer's obituary for former Klansman and Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd, June 29.


"Jesse Helms, the former North Carolina senator whose courtly manner and mossy drawl barely masked a hard-edged conservatism that opposed civil rights, gay rights, foreign aid and modern art, died early Friday. He was 86." - Lead sentence of Steven Holmes' obituary for conservative Republican Sen. Jesse Helms, July 5, 2008.

Read the rest of the worst from the New York Times at Times Watch Quotes of Note.