We Asked CPAC Attendees: In One Word, How Do Liberals Portray Women?

Liberal media is anything but empowering to women.

“Victims.” “Weak.” “Unintelligent.” “Hopeless.” That’s how the left and its media allies portray women, according to young conservatives at CPAC.

The “War on Women” has been debunked many times over, but still the media enjoy taking any opportunity they can to make conservatives look sexist, out-of-touch, and anti-women. So MRC Culture wanted to know what conservatives believe the left’s message to women is. We asked, in one word, describe how liberals portray women. Here are the answers we got:

The liberal media boast a history of shameful attacks on conservative women, from MSNBC’s Martin Bashir suggesting someone should defecate in Sarah Palin's mouth to entertainment news criticizing Stacey Dash for being “appalled” by Patricia Arquette’s Academy Awards speech. After a panel last summer on communicating to women, Rep. Ann Wagner argued that conservative women “fight three times as hard” in order to “have our voices heard” in the media.

— Kristine Marsh is Staff Writer for MRC Culture at the Media Research Center. Follow Kristine Marsh on Twitter.