A "Widening Witch Hunt" for Communist Informers in Poland

Extremely biased, and not even close to the truth - the Polish bishop, Stanislaw Wielgus, has already admitted to collaborating with the Communist secret police.

Reporter Craig Smith wrote Friday on the uproar over the Catholic clergyman who admitted collaborating with Communist authorities during the era of Soviet dominion over Poland ("Ties to Communist Secret Police Snare Polish Bishop").

Here's the lead: "Warsaw's new archbishop, Stanislaw W. Wielgus, caught in Eastern Europe's widening witch hunt for former Communist secret police informers, admitted Friday that he had collaborated with the Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa, or Security Service, known as the S.B."

Not only is"witch hunt"extremely biased, it's demonstrably false - the loaded term refers to false accusations, whereas Wielgus has already admitted to collaborating with the Communist secret police.

Hat-tip to WorldNetDaily, which has more on the Communist Party origins of the term "witch hunt."