
Media Research Center

CBS Shocker: Network Promotes 'Gun-Toting Waitresses' Without Bias

CBS isn't known to be a network friendly to gun rights. So, it was shocking to see a positive, pro-Second Amendment-rights story on Tuesday. This Morning reporter Barry Petersen profiled a ...
Media Research Center

Media Praise BBC Censorship of Climate Skeptics; Attack Dissenters

Washington Post joins liberal journalists to bash ‘anti-science fringe’ and BBC’s ‘addition to false balance.’
Media Research Center

Chris Matthews Proclaims Boehner Lawsuit Occurs ‘In Third World Countries Before They Have a Coup’

Chris Matthews’ disdain for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and his decision to sue President Obama over his use of executive orders reached a fever pitch on his Hardball program Monday night. ...
Media Research Center

ABC Ignores Own Reporter Confronting White House Press Secy. Over Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

On Monday, July 7, Jonathan Karl, ABC’s Chief White House Correspondent, challenged White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, over whether or not the Obama Administration was deporting illegal ...
Media Research Center

Skeptical NBC: Israeli Air Strike Hit 'So-Called Terror Sites'

ABC, NBC and CBS offered slanted coverage of violence between Israelis and Palestinians on Monday. Today co-host Natalie Morales recounted the deaths of seven Hamas members in an air strike and ...
Media Research Center

CBS, NBC Push Puff Pieces on Pot, Dream of ‘Light Up and Write Up’ Pulitzer Pot Prize

On Monday, all three broadcast network morning news shows gave mention to the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Washington state with sales set to begin on Tuesday. In particular, ...
Media Research Center

The View Crew: Obama is Not the Worst President!

A Quinnipiac poll that listed Barack Obama as the worst President since World War II had the ladies of ABC’s The View quite upset. On Monday’s show, Jenny McCarthy defended Obama’s terrible ...
Media Research Center

NBC Laments 'Undocumented Immigrants' Who 'Find Themselves In the Middle of a Raging Debate'

In a report on Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Miguel Almaguer portrayed illegal immigrants surging across the U.S. border as bystanders caught up in politics: "As most Americans celebrated ...
Media Research Center

July 4th: Planned Parenthood Tweets Lady Liberty Holding the Pill

The new way to celebrate Independence Day, ‘liberty and justice for all.’
Media Research Center

Media Keep Citing Bogus Stat about Catholics and Birth Control

Since Hobby Lobby, libs again using flawed stat about Catholic women and contraceptives.